This is a video link for the recent meeting held by the Education and Culture Committee on the 12th December 2013. As members of SAPOE Midlothian Outdoor Learning submitted evidence (can be seen in the agenda papers) to support the SAPOE chair. We were also fortunate to have excellent representation by Christine Anderson of Beeslack High School Midlothian.
The evidence and discussions support much of the issues we submitted in our evidence to the Panel, such as the work outlined by SAPOE Chair Nigel Marshall on “enabling outdoor learning” and help sets the agenda for Midlothian Schools and communities developing a more cohesive approach to Outdoor learning and outdoor education.
There is also an excellent discussion and evidence to support the value of outdoor education throughout the subject areas and the relationship between them i.e. interdisciplinary, as Professor Higgins notes on the use of outdoor space and progressive outdoor education experiences;
” …the kids can learn not just about the subject areas, but the way in which they join up”
We are looking forward to tackling some of the challenges ahead for the Midlothian learning community and it’s approach to Outdoor Learning and Outdoor Education (one and the same!) and enabling as an Outdoor Learning team to provide;
Relevant, well planned, high quality outdoor learning opportunities for all our pupils, that contribute to outcomes and attainment across the curriculum subjects enabling learning behaviours that can contribute to successful lifelong learning and positive destinations.