Paraclimbing event at EICA

A paraclimbing event is taking place on the 2nd November 2014 at Edinburgh International Climbing Arena.  

The event is open to non-climbers as well as those more experienced

There are no specific Age Categories but the minimum age for competing is 12 (in the year of the competition)

There are 9 para categories:

1. Using Upper and Lower Limbs (any number)

2. Using Upper Limbs OnlyPara climber image

3. Using Upper Limbs Only (that have impairments)

4. Athletes with Sensory Impairments

5. Athletes with Learning Disabilities

6. Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties (EBD)

7. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

8. Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC)

9. Mental Health support Needs

If you have any climbing related questions please get in touch with –

Penicuik High School S6 Induction

It was a great day for the Penicuik High School S6 Induction.  The sun was splitting the sky and there were lots of smiles on faces.  There were 67 learners taking part in a series of team challenges over the day.  Well done to all  the learners and good luck for the year ahead.

If you would like support in running an induction day for your school you can get in touch by clicking the HERE.




Adventure Activities Licensing Review


SAAFThe Scottish Adventure Activities Forum (SAAF) will be conducting a review of Adventure Activities Licensing in Scotland.

Work is currently underway to ensure that the Scottish Government can assume the responsibility for managing the regulations and legislation around young people and adventurous activities in Scotland. In advance of that happening, it is important that the outdoor sector has had the opportunity to consider and contribute to any changes that need to be made to the current UK regulations to make them more relevant to Scotland.

The Scottish Adventure Activities Forum (SAAF) has been asked by the Scottish Government to lead on the Review and provide informed opinion on how the regulations could be developed.

This is a key piece of work for our sector, SAAF are currently seeking to recruit an Officer to assist them in this important piece of work, please see the attached job advert and circulate to whoever you feel may be appropriate. The closing date is on 17th October, with interviews on 24th October

Details on applying for the post can be found here

These boots were made for walking….

walking strategyA new strategy has been published which encourages more walking for everyone in Scotland.

The Let’s Get Scotland Walking – The National Walking Strategy aims to encourage a culture of walking to help us realise the many benefits that can be gained.

Here at the service naturally we do a lot of walking! By promoting and delivering quality Outdoor Learning sessions, we hope that we are encouraging beneficial healthy living and learning habits for all our Midlothian pupils.

Many of our schools have whole year groups benefiting from Hillwalking and oirenteering experiences.

“Scotland has outstanding opportunities for walking both in urban and rural areas. Our spectacular scenery, our range of green spaces (including parks), our walkable urban centres and world-class cities, our community routes, our long distance route networks and our world-class access rights all combine to give Scotland a unique set of ‘walking-friendly’ factors.”

It’s great to see so many of the benefits of walking highlighted in the strategy and its well worth a read. Click on the image to go to the Scottish Government link.

We look forward to seeing how the working group progress the strategy. Meanwhile keep walking up those hills.

Orienteering Training

CATO1The next Teaching Orienteering Part 1 course will take place on the 27th of February 2015.

This full day course is aimed at teachers, youth sector workers and people working in schools and outdoor centres.

The training delivers the knowledge, understanding and practical ability to teach the basic skills of orienteering. 

For futher information click here.