
The Midlothian Council Outdoor Learning Service provides active and engaging, educational experiences that contribute to the Curriculum for Excellence journey… and beyond.


A planning model for outdoor learning
A planning model for outdoor learning

Deliver unique outdoor experiences in a range of environments that connect learners with the natural world to develop awareness, sustainability & global citizenship.


Work in partnership with educational establishments and the wider community to promote & deliver progressive, sustainable, safe inspirational outdoor learning experiences.

Staff training
Outdoor Learning and development linked to CfE experiences and outcomes

Provide challenging, regular outdoor learning opportunities with relevant educational aims, experiences and outcomes that encourage positive destinations and lifelong learning by enhancing personal achievement, resilience and confidence.


Types of activity & learning

Discover -Entry level, Outdoor activities that can promote and map to fundamental Curriculum for Excellence learning outcomes and experiences.

Develop  – Next steps, Outdoor learning activities than can enhance and build on initial Discover experiences and outcomes and map to specific subject areas

Achieve – Progressive, Outdoor Learning programmes, linking with both C f E &  wider achievements and awards. e.g’s. D of E,  JMA, NICAS, SCA, JASS , ASDAN, NNAS

binocular on law
Learning by Discovering new environments

Our activities include; Paddlesports, Hillwalking Orienteering, Biking, Rock Climbing, Indoor Climbing, Beach and Forest Walks, Map work and Navigation, Problem Solving, Development and Team Building activities, Transition programmes and inductions, Discover Events, Annual Year group challenges, Environmental studies, Fieldwork, Expeditions, CLPL training & First Aid Training



Midlothian has a hugely diverse landscape and is full of rich green spaces to use and base our Outdoor Learning experiences. This is useful in promoting Midlothian landscape for our community to use.  We also use surrounding areas and further afield (i.e. Highlands, Borders)  for certain activities and  adventurous programmes.

We also promote through quality outdoor learning experiences;

Developing transferable skills through Outdoor Learning


Currently the service makes a small subsidised resource charge for Outdoor Learning Staff Time and minibus hire to Midlothian Establishments

These costs are kept to a minimum to keep the service inclusive and accessible to all pupils. Current charges and information on resources  for Midlothian Schools can be seen here.

Please browse our web pages for more information on our services. You can keep up to date with our news page and for any enquiries please contact us., and you can find us here.

Click here for Details of your Outdoor Learning Service Teacher Contact for 2016-17 Session


“the journey through education for any child in Scotland must include opportunities for a series of planned, quality outdoor learning experiences”

Curriculum for Excellence through Outdoor Learning (2015 Education Scotland)