The Midlothian Council Learning Service is now closed. Thank you to all the Midlothian Education establishments for the amazing support and enthusiasm for supporting this approach to learning over the lifetime of the service. Over just the last 10 years alone a fantastic +24,500 pupils had an outdoor learning experience and 3600 staff received training with the service.
The store function will remain open through 2018-19 to help support schools and practitioners who continue to use the outdoors as an approach to learning to deliver CfE experiences & outcomes and wider achievement awards. A range of equipment and resources are available to borrow/hire to support leaning activity. Get in touch with the stores for more information
Training for Visit Leaders and Visit coordinators is also still available as are the SQA accredited First Aid Training courses. Training details are still available in the CLPL drop down menu.
The Outdoor Learning store can be contacted as below:
Stores Contact: Mike Brookes
Telephone: 01968 664122
The stores will be manned on Thursdays and Fridays and are located to the area of Penicuik High School. Location map link here
The website will currently remain for information only. If you require further information please contact Bill Stephen – Education Support Officer – Tel: 0131 271 3720