This course is aimed at teachers and educational staff and is a requirement for those who are involved in leading and the planning of off site visits.
These courses will follow national guidelines and training procedures endorsed by the OEAP (Outdoor Education Advisers Panel, England and Wales) and SAPOE (Scottish Advisory panel for Outdoor Education)
Visit Leader Training (2 Part Course) | |||
Date | Time | Location | Cost |
Part 1 Friday 13th March 2020 |
1300-1600 | Lasswade High School |
Free for Midlothian employees Book at learnPro |
Part 2 Friday 20th March 2020 |
1300-1600 | Lasswade High School |
Free for Midlothian employees Book at learnPro |
Visit Leader Training (2 Part Course) | |||
Date | Time | Location | Cost |
Part 1 Friday 24th April 2020 |
1300-1600 | Penicuik High School |
Free for Midlothian Employees Book at learnPro |
Part 2 Friday 1st May 2020 |
1300-1600 | Penicuik High School |
Free for Midlothian Employees Book at learnPro |
This is a practical one day course for all school staff leading visits. Please note 1/2 day of this course will be spent outdoors – please dress appropriately (Outdoor clothing can be borrowed from the OL Store)
Booking :: To book on this course please complete the booking form and forward to us (or register and log in at learnPro) email ::
“a very useful course, covers all the bases really well” “very informative, accounted for all eventualities, “very clear information provided, comprehensive!” “practical exercise was very helpful” [Feedback from recent course participants] |
- Visit Leader Training is focused on planning, active risk assessment and group management on educational visits.Developed with SAPOE and OEAP, the course follows the structure of the OEAP course delivered nationally.
- The course covers the identification of relevant significant hazards and the importance of placing of successful control measures including supervision and group management strategies
- The course is offered in support of the leader’s role in educational visits and off-site activities
- It remains the role of the employer (e.g. head of establishment, senior youth worker or educational visit coordinator) to determine the leader’s suitability and competence to undertake a leadership role on any particular visit or venture.
Please note that the course is not : EVC training. Those approving and monitoring visits in school should attend EVC training.
**It is not a substitute for activity or terrain specific training provided by a sports national governing body or employer.
GTC Standards and CLPL Updates – Below table shows examples of how this varied training opportunity can help and assist GTCS teachers meet CLPL standards.
Professional Values and Personal Commitment | 1.3.3 | I provide and ensure a safe and secure environment for all learners within a caring and compassionate ethos and with an understanding of wellbeing |
The Professional Actions in Career-Long Professional Learning |
I understand and develop the most appropriate contexts and environments for learning including outdoor learning, and am able to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments. |
Educational contexts and current debates in policy, education and practice |
I understand and explore the contexts and complexity in which teachers operate and the dynamic and complex role(s) of professionals within the educational community. |
Curriculum and assessment | 3.2.2. | I lead and collaborate with others to plan innovative curricular programmes. |
Enquiry and Research |
I develop and apply expertise, knowledge, understanding and skills to engage in practitioner enquiry to inform pedagogy, learning and subject knowledge. |