These boots were made for walking….

walking strategyA new strategy has been published which encourages more walking for everyone in Scotland.

The Let’s Get Scotland Walking – The National Walking Strategy aims to encourage a culture of walking to help us realise the many benefits that can be gained.

Here at the service naturally we do a lot of walking! By promoting and delivering quality Outdoor Learning sessions, we hope that we are encouraging beneficial healthy living and learning habits for all our Midlothian pupils.

Many of our schools have whole year groups benefiting from Hillwalking and oirenteering experiences.

“Scotland has outstanding opportunities for walking both in urban and rural areas. Our spectacular scenery, our range of green spaces (including parks), our walkable urban centres and world-class cities, our community routes, our long distance route networks and our world-class access rights all combine to give Scotland a unique set of ‘walking-friendly’ factors.”

It’s great to see so many of the benefits of walking highlighted in the strategy and its well worth a read. Click on the image to go to the Scottish Government link.

We look forward to seeing how the working group progress the strategy. Meanwhile keep walking up those hills.

Peak Performance by S1 Dalkeith High School Pupils.

IMAG0091Throughout the next few months the S1 pupils from Dalkeith High School have been embarking with the Outdoor Learning Service on a hill walking challenge. Taking in some of the higher Pentland hills ,the pupils have opportunities to take responsibility to lead others, develop teamwork, and have also been learning to use maps.

Those pupils that have been in the first groups have been working hard (leading, helping, and demonstrating patience and resilience – along with a wee-bit of hiding in the heather!!) and in all sorts of weather providing different challenges. We have learnt about geography, geology, history leave no trace , scottish outdoor access code and have developed new skills along the way (great sandwiches too).

Staff at the school have been brilliant at arranging this as the pupils are mixed groups from across the year and provides lots of opportunities for pupils to mix and learn more about each other and their abilities. We hope this programme will go a long way to develop Confident pupils. They certainly so far have been successful including  scaling some of the highest peaks in the beautiful Pentland Hills.

Well done to all the pupils over these first few weeks. Looking forward to working with the rest of the year.